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Guadalupe Mountains - the land of Apaches.

Guadalupe Mountains are located on west Texas, or more accurate on the border between Texas and New Mexico. Part of the mountains is protected and forms Guadalupe Mountains National Park. On north, in New Mexico, mountains hide a lot of limestone covers and other limestone formations. This region is protected by Carlsbad Caverns National Park.

The mountains are full of contrasts and surprises. Low elevations form desert, where a rain is scarce and temperature in summer can reach over 100F. Mountains rise from the surrounding desert to about 8000 feet (El Capitan, the highest point in Texas). In higher elevation, formed by exposed remains of limestone fossil reef, lies a flat terrain covered by dense forest of juniper and pine trees. It is interesting the higher the elevation the more forms of life are present.

All photos copyright© 2001 Juraj Blaskovic, All rights reserved. e-mail